
SULPHUR [Sulph] Sulphur is a mineral remedy. It is the King of anti-psoric remedies. The main feeling of Sulphur is that of being scorned, suppressed, put down, criticized. The person is made to feel humiliated, his pride is hurt. Embarrassment is one of the main feelings in Sulphur. There is therefore a constant effort, a struggle to come up again... to be someone, to know something, to earn respect. He feels that he is expected to be good in his appearance, his relationships and in his business, and these include his knowledge, talent and capabilities. Failing this, he will have to face scorn and bear embarrassment. The struggle is for ego and honour. Ego is one of the biggest themes in Sulphur and effort one of the main actions. The effort and the feeling are both psoric, in a sense that there is a kind of hopefulness in Sulphur patients. The task is not too high, and they are often quite optimistic. There exists in Sulphur patients the desire for business, the desire to make money and to be financially sound. There is the feeling of being poor, and consequently an effort to make money so as to overcome the situation of poverty. In the failed state however there is indolence, a lack of effort, hence the symptom: Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk. This is contentment; there is no more action to try and get out of the situation. These symptoms of Sulphur which reflect the indolence are very well known. Sulphur persons may be very concerned about how they appear to other people. They have the feeling that if they are not perfect in their appearance, they will be scorned. Concerned that they should not appear dirty, they make a lot of effort to appear clean. On the other hand, they may neglect their appearance, they may be indifferent to how they look, they do not give a damn and appear dirty. This indifference to personal appearance is seen less commonly. They have the need to know things, to be inquisitive. They feel insulted when they do not know something and try to make up for what they do not know by theorizing. They need to feel good about themselves because they have the feeling of being unimportant and of being disgraced. Very sensitive to criticism, scorn and insult. They live each in their own world, where they can feel good about themselves by imagining that they possess great knowledge, a lot of wealth and look good to others. They imagine that they are appreciated by those around them, for what they are and what they possess. It is a struggle for ego satisfaction; and this being one of the commonest traits of human beings, Sulphur tends to be over-prescribed or under-prescribed. The patients feel that they are expected to be good in their relationships with people, and so they are caring and do a lot for others. One observation I have made about Sulphur children is that they like to touch everything, as if only what they touch is real. Among the dreams of Sulphur, I have frequently noted the one of being pursued by wild animals. I have also found that some Sulphur patients are attracted by monkeys. Physical symptoms Among the well-known physical symptoms of Sulphur are: Intolerance of hunger which is especially marked in the forenoon. Desire for sweets and fats. Heat in the feet, hands and vertex. Offensive odour of discharges. An almost mandatory history of skin eruptions which itch voluptuously. Intolerance of heat and closed rooms. Rubrics Anxiety for others. Hopeful. Delusion, body, black, is. Delusion, thin, is getting. Delusion, disgraced, she is. Delusion, want, he will come to. Ailments, scorn, being scorned. Ailments, embarrassment. Fear, poverty, of. Business, talks, of. Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk. Foolish behaviour, happiness and pride. Indifference, personal appearance, to. Delusion, great person, is a. Delusion, wealth, of. Touch, does not know if objects are real until she has touched them. Kent Vertigo from high places. Cataract in the left eye. Desires meat. Desires fat. Desires highly seasoned food. Desires raw food. Skin, cracks, winter, in.


Sulphur is the King of anti-psoric remedies and a mineral remedy. The main feeling of Sulphur is that of being scorned, suppressed, and criticized, leading to a constant struggle to regain respect and maintain ego and honor. There is a strong desire for financial security and an effort to make money to overcome the feeling of poverty. When efforts fail, there may be indolence and contentment.
Sulphur patients can be concerned about their appearance, fearing scorn if not perfect, which may lead to either a lot of effort to appear clean or indifference towards personal appearance. They have a need to know things and feel insulted if they don't. They are sensitive to criticism, scorn, and insult, living in their own world where they imagine themselves possessing great knowledge, wealth, and being appreciated by others.
They can be caring and do a lot for others in their relationships. Sulphur children like to touch everything as if only what they touch is real, and some Sulphur patients are attracted to monkeys.

Physical symptoms of Sulphur include intolerance of hunger in the forenoon, desire for sweets and fats, heat in the feet, hands, and vertex, offensive odors of discharges, and a history of skin eruptions that itch voluptuously. They may have intolerance of heat and closed rooms.


  • Anxiety for others.
  • Hopeful.
  • Delusion, body, black, is.
  • Delusion, thin, is getting.
  • Delusion, disgraced, she is.
  • Delusion, want, he will come to.
  • Ailments, scorn, being scorned.
  • Ailments, embarrassment.
  • Fear, poverty, of.
  • Business, talks, of.
  • Delusion, old rags are as fine as silk.
  • Foolish behavior, happiness, and pride.
  • Indifference, personal appearance, to.
  • Delusion, great person, is a.
  • Delusion, wealth, of.
  • Touch, does not know if objects are real until she has touched them.


  • Vertigo from high places.
  • Cataract in the left eye.
  • Desires meat.
  • Desires fat.
  • Desires highly seasoned food.
  • Desires raw food.
  • Skin cracks in winter.

Please note that this summary is based on the provided text, and Sulphur's complete and accurate prescription requires a thorough understanding of the individual's symptoms and characteristics by a qualified homeopath.

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